Comics you should have read in August 2019…

August 2019: the month of time-displaced Heraklean barbarians, sleazy sorceresses, and the return of our favourite RPG-inspired comic series. Thanks to the efforts from publishers like Image, Dark Horse, and Aftershock Comics (to name but a small few), each month it seems there are almost too many series to choose from. Not only that, but so many popular series’ are hitting their mid-season finales before starting new story arcs, marking August as somewhat of a milestone for many creators – not to mention the new #1’s consistently releasing…

1.  Berserker Unbound #1
Dark Horse Comics – Released: August 7th
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Mike Deodato Jr.

It seems Jeff Lemire is frequently credited alongside some of the best titles recently, and Berserker Unbound is no different! In this time travelling, urban fantasy, the ill-fated Mongrel King – who bares more than a few similarities to Robert E. Howard’s legendary Hyborian muscle mountain – finds himself transported forward in time to a modern-day metropolis, sparking a quest that see’s him protecting us modern-day denizens from an evil wizard. 

A little like a time-travelling He-Man, Berserker Unbound’s first issue successfully grabs our attention thanks to art by Mike Deodato Jr., who seamlessly shifts between Conan-esque backdrops to modern cityscapes, evolving the tried-and-true swords and sandals genre into the more modern world of iPhones and Converse. Not to mention his imposing Schwarzenegger-esque musclebound hero, who looks as though he were taken straight from an ‘80s barbarian warrior flick. Naturally, Jeff Lemire’s writing promises an interesting take on the genre, with a well paced first issue that introduces us to the Mongrel King and his time-travelling predicament. Incidentally, if the “warrior out-of-time” story appeals, you should also check out Cullen Bunn’s Knights Temporal (Aftershock Comics).

2 – Coffin Bound #1
Image Comics – Released: August 7th
Writer: Dan Watters
Artist: Dani

Magic, cars, and an unstoppable killer send Izzy Tyburn on a road trip with The Vulture – who has the body of a man and a caged dead vulture for a head – in search of a way to survive an unkillable assassin, in Dan Watters’ Coffin Bound

While the midsection might have been a little on the confusing side, Coffin Bound #1 sets up some interesting premises to be explored in the rest of the series, while learning more about the grungy sorceress, Izzy, will surely be the highlight of the series. There’s plenty of absurd twists and intense moments within this opening chapter, with more than enough violence and high-octane gun fights, while Dani’s art perpetuates the pulpy tone, in part thanks to the use of harsh, equally lurid colour schemes.

3 – Die #6
Image Comics – Released: August 7th
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Stephanie Hans

Die #5 concluded the first arc of Gillen and Hans’ D&D love-letter, perverting the hero narrative we’re all so used to in RPG narratives into something much more mournful. The series is being written by Kieron Gillen, after all! Die #6 follows on from the climactic conclusion of the first arc, with half our merry band wishing to remain in the dismal world of Die. Now the Fellowship has been split, with half the group wishing to leave and half wishing to stay, the question remains as to how they’ll get back to the real world, or if they ever will?

Stephanie Hans provides Die with a gritty style that will appeal to fans of D&D, having proven her artistic ability and story telling finesse with the past five issues of the series. Die has already enjoyed great success from critics and readers alike, and the final twist of the last story sets up an engaging, if foreboding, sequel.

4 – Gideon Fall #16
Image Comics – Released: August 14th
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Andrea Sorrentino

Bringing a conclusion to a story that has been building since the series’ inception, the supernatural spooky town of Gideon Falls isn’t quite done yet! While Clara may have finally reunited with her missing brother, Danny, the mysterious Laughing Man isn’t finished, leading into a new chapter for Jeff Lemire’s hit horror series. With its supernatural themes, looming dread of “the Back Barn” and time- and space- shifting events, Gideon Falls has ben a wild ride thus far, and while fans of the series are likely to pick this issue up already, if you haven’t dived in yet, go back and read the TPB’s already released – if only for Andrea Sorrentino’s gritty art!

5 – The White Trees: A Blacksand Tale #1
Image Comics – Released: August 14th
Writer: Chip Zdarsky
Artist: Kris Anka

In the first part of an oversized, two-issue mini series by Chip Zdarsky, The White Trees explores the fantasy world of Blacksand – where peace has reigned for almost 20-years. However, a series set in a rich fantasy world wouldn’t be too exciting if it were set in peace time, now, would it? With war on the horizon, three veteran warriors must band together and deal with their memories of the war to find their missing children, with art by Kris Anka, known for his work on Marvel’s Runaways.

6 – Once & Future #1
BOOM! Studios – Released: 14th August
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Dan Mora

As if Kieron Gillen hasn’t had enough attention on this list already, BOOM! Studios’ Once & Future #1 marks the beginning of yet another smash-hit series from the creator of The Wicked + The Divine and Die. Further to this, not only did Once & Future #1 sell out before its initial release, it’s due for a 6th reprint in October 2019!

Nationalists, Arthurian myth, monsters, and retired monster hunters become entwined in Once & Future, engaging with contemporary themes and political affairs, making this a must read for those with an interest in sociopolitical themes and fantasy lore. With its mystic allure, it would be remiss of me not to mention Dan Mora’s art, which is propelled into excellence by Tamra Bonvillain’s bold colouring!

7 – Batman/ Superman #1
DC Comics – Released: 28th August
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: David Marquez

From the events of Scott Snyder’s Batman Who Laughs,  the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel team up yet again, venturing forth into the underbelly of Gotham City to discover which of their heroic comrades has been turned into the deranged agents of the Batman Who Laughs. Always a pleasure in Gotham City. David Marquez provides some dynamic pencil work, complimenting Joshua Williamson’s writing, though if you aren’t familiar with Snyder’s sadistic Dark Multiverse and why Batman wears a Pennywise grin and a costume straight from Marilyn Manson’s wardrobe, you might want to go back and catch up on his story first. Regardless, it’s always worth keeping tabs on team ups between our favourite Boy Scout and Goth Knight.

8 – Sea of Stars #2
Image Comics – Released: August 7th
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Stephen Green

Continuing where the first issue left off, space trucker Gil is running out of oxygen, has been attacked by bizarre aliens, and may be losing whatever’s left of his sanity. His ship was wrecked by a giant space leviathan, after all. In the meantime, his missing kid, Kadyn, seems to be having a grand old time with his new friends – which includes a space monkey and a sort of… whale?

It goes without saying, but Jason Aaron’s writing maintains the charm and allure of the first issue, building towards what seems to be a fun new space adventure with plenty of narrative dynamics to keep it interesting and well paced, with the captivating, beautifully coloured art by Stephen Green.

Author: admin